Massage and Body Work Main

Massage and Body Work

A 1-2-1 session in your own home can be anything you want it to be!

I offer the following 1-2-1 sessions

Pilates – Maybe you would like some individual exercises or advice or postural correction.

Body work – Maybe you would feel the benefit from Massage or Reiki healing and Balancing,   Energy work or Body Harmony work.

New for 2022- On-site acupressure- seated clothed massage that was the mainstay of my corporate work before the pandemic.

Healing Body Mind and Spirit.

Guided relaxation and Meditation.

Or just chat!

All of these sessions you can mix and match!

Pilates and Guided Relaxation and Meditation are available remotely via Zoom.

There are three states of human function,   Awake, Asleep and Aware.

Moshé Feldenkrais